Our construction projects for Ukraine

From the year 2023 we are actively engaged in the current action plan for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Thanks to the solid foundation of our Ukrainian partners we have discovered opportunities to deliver our modular based buildings to local administrations in critically damaged Ukrainian regions.

We have identified specific locations in eastern Ukraine to execute such objects, which are especially effective due to their short construction time. These projects are suited to emergency circumstances. Variable solutions could also be conducted for fully stackable multi-storey buildings for placement in any other region of Ukraine.

Currently we are producing a modular project of the clinic for urgent medical care for civilian use. We're preparing an on-site execution of this project during summer 2024. This object will be installed near the zone of combat actions at the front.

ICC Ukraine

We are part of Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce. As a member of ICC Ukraine, we have a solid foundation of orientation in critically damaged Ukrainian regions and negotiation with Ukrainian governmental institutions. ​​​​​​

The main focus of ICC Ukraine’s activities is international cooperation, creating conditions for the integration of Ukrainian business into the international business community.